Michele Mischkot

MICHELE MISCHKOT – 1990 – Malborghetto (UD)

He began carving traditional wooden “krampus” masks in 2009, self-taught, with the intent to support and uphold the tradition of the parade of December 5th – Saint Nicholas. And, more importantly, to enhance the work and passion that some young men in Valcanale put every year in the “making” of the mask with their own hands and then bear it on the fateful evening.
In recent years he generously taught knowledge and skills acquired to peers of his village, trying to uphold the value of passion and tradition.
He participated in the European project “Pre-Christian Tradition Masquerades” with exhibitions in Spain, Portugal and Italy.
He joined the association of “Mascherai Alpini” in 2014.
He normally uses the swiss pine to carve his masks.